Lawn Disease


Lawn diseases are caused by various types of fungi, bacteria, and viruses that can damage or kill the grass in a lawn. These diseases can be caused by several factors, including poor soil conditions, improper irrigation, and poor drainage.

Common lawn diseases in New Jersey are brown patch, red thread, dollar spot and rust (pythium blight)--for a list of most common lawn diseases in New Jersey, see the infographic here. With all these lawn diseases come very catastrophic results to your lawn if they are left untreated! Lawn Buddies offers 2 to 4 lawn disease treatments a season to ensure your lawn stays safe from any disease damage. 

zoomed in picture of brown patch, a type of lawn disease on a lawn

Lawn diseases are caused by various types of fungi, bacteria, and viruses that can damage or kill the turf in your lawn. These diseases can be caused by several factors, including poor soil conditions, improper irrigation, and poor drainage.

Common lawn diseases in New Jersey are brown patch, red thread, dollar spot and rust (pythium blight)--see the infographic here. While some diseases can cause more significant damage than others, if most lawn diseases are left untreated, the entire lawn will begin to look discolored and unsightly regardless of fertilizer applications and proper watering. Lawn Buddies offers 2 to 4 lawn disease treatments a season to ensure your lawn stays safe from any disease damage. 

a patchy lawn with brown spots due to the infestation of lawn disease

To prevent and treat lawn diseases, it’s important to maintain good lawn care practices, such as mowing at the correct height, watering deeply but infrequently, and aerating the soil to improve drainage. Fungicides and other treatments may also be necessary to control lawn diseases, especially if the disease has already caused significant damage to the lawn.

red threads, a type of lawn disease, on a lawn


  • There are some things you can do to help prevent lawn disease. To start with you need to water your yard properly by watering in the morning so the grass has time to dry before evening. Leaving your grass wet overnight promotes fungal growth.
  • Another important preventative measure would be mowing your lawn at the appropriate height and not removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade length at a time. Also make sure you keep your lawn mower blades sharp and don’t mow when the grass is wet to reduce the spread of fungal spores.
  • Lastly, aeration should be done annually as compacted soil can contribute to lawn disease by limiting air circulation and promoting moisture retention at the top of the soil. Aeration will not only increase air circulation but it also help the water absorb further into the soil which helps reduce the possiblility of fungus growth in your lawn.

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